08 december 2011

8. december :)

hmm.. oh ja igår var jeg til et leder kursus, det var intrasant!! vi skulle tage en test for at finde vores personlighed! det var crazy for jeg blev orange og jeg syndes det passer vildt godt men det kan du selv bedømme!! :

what´s good about being orange.....

at school: as orange you like to have fun while learning . you paticipate in hands-on, fun activities. you know how to motivate others using your charme and sense of humor. you have the courge,skill,and resourcefulness to be out front, take action, and get things done.

with friends: you are fun to be with. you make others laugh and can get people to enjoy themselves. your friends like to have you around, because you can think of lots of things to do and you can often lead the way.

at home : you like freedom and lots of activity. you enjoy sports , going on trips, and participating in special events. you do things with a moments notice because you are spontaneous and flexible.

You thrive on human social contact and social gatherings, bringing all types together.

You enjoy partying and socializing and planning all types of social events - orange people are the life of the party, the uninhibited performer! You are often the loud talker in a group.
While you are charming and sociable you do tend to be a show-off.
You get great satisfaction from helping others and they find you inspiring with your vitality and positive energy.
You are tolerant and accepting of others just the way they are.
You are a people person, motivated by what others may or may not think and always trying to keep up with the Jones'. You need people around you - being alone for too long makes you depressed and you then allow negativity to engulf you.
You are a free spirit who doesn't like to be tied down - you are not always loyal in your relationships and find it difficult to commit.

You are full of life, always on the go, determined and competitive, always looking for new challenges - and this can lead to restlessness and impatience with others who do not have this need.

jup thats me!!  :) haha

og det var rimlig fedt at det var orange for det er vores skole colors to haha :)
kik forbi i morgen!!

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